WARUCC membership is open to educational institutions, organizations and vendors working in the registrarial fields at all levels.
Ordinary Membership shall be:
a) Institutional (Group), and
b) Individual
Institutional (Group) membership may be granted to schools, colleges and universities upon assessment by the WARUCC Executive. There is one lead member that acts as an administrator and has voting rights on behalf of the institution. The annual fee for membership is $150. To join, click here.
Individual membership is any individual from one of the member institutions. There is no fee for individual membership. Applications are reviewed to ensure they are from an Institutional Member. Once approved, the individual becomes part of the Institutional (Group) membership category. If you would like to see if your Institution is a member click here. To join, click here.
Associate membership may be extended to interested persons accepted by the Association from an agency not eligible for Institutional membership. The fee is $30/person per annum. To join, click here.
Corporate membership may be extended to businesses that supply products and services relevant to the registrarial profession at institutional members. Fee for this is assessed biennially upon negotiation for participation at the WARUCC Biennial Conference. Corporate membership is arranged with the upcoming WARUCC Biennial Conference Committee.
Once your member application has been received, we will respond to your application as soon as the WARUCC Executive Committee, and your area Member-at-Large have had an opportunity to review it.
Questions about membership may be directed to: WARUCC Vice President, Mike Becir at vp@warucc.ca.